Simply amazing! Your facility with words is abundantly clear here and your assessments, criticisms, are spot on. I thoroughly enjoyed this read; thought provoking and salient.
Another brilliant piece of writing. Just when I'm losing hope you give me another perspective to consider. Thank you your fight in the courtrooms and in the media. I know you're busy but if you could consult for the dems... they need your help. 😁
I don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t, it would eat me up and I’d fall into despair. Thank you for holding out, and getting the important messages out there! I won’t take up space, just know that there are people who esteem your strength of character and hope you see the good you are doing. You’re kinda my hero(ine).
Loved the line, "If you're always replying then you never get to choose the topic" - the right constantly churns out stories from their outrage-machine and we're always stuck playing defense. It becomes exhausting, and that's the point. Taking control of the conversations we have is important.
Simply amazing! Your facility with words is abundantly clear here and your assessments, criticisms, are spot on. I thoroughly enjoyed this read; thought provoking and salient.
Another brilliant piece of writing. Just when I'm losing hope you give me another perspective to consider. Thank you your fight in the courtrooms and in the media. I know you're busy but if you could consult for the dems... they need your help. 😁
I don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t, it would eat me up and I’d fall into despair. Thank you for holding out, and getting the important messages out there! I won’t take up space, just know that there are people who esteem your strength of character and hope you see the good you are doing. You’re kinda my hero(ine).
Thank You so much, I appreciate that
Loved the line, "If you're always replying then you never get to choose the topic" - the right constantly churns out stories from their outrage-machine and we're always stuck playing defense. It becomes exhausting, and that's the point. Taking control of the conversations we have is important.