This is SO good, thank you Olayemi for writing this article and connecting the dots. I’m constantly learning from you and being more and more motivated to deeply understand the system and work to genuinely shift things for actual liberation.
Powerful, powerful article. Thank you for sharing this, and laying bare the foundation of the issues. I hope some who jumped on the performative bandwagon will read this and ask themselves some deeper questions. I say this already knowing that my hope is probably better spent elsewhere.
Thank you, Olayemi, for putting words to the thoughts and feelings many of us have had in the past 3 years.
In Davenport Iowa the police have a special race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred (AKA white supremacist) police squad headed by police Supervisor Andrew Harris.
"We have different rules for lowlifes in lowlife neighborhoods and higher class citizens In higher class neighborhoods" is a saying frequently said by city inspector Chris Haut who was already known to the city mayor Administrator corporation council lawyers and Human Resources etc for his extreme race hatred and false documentation.....reported in writing to all of them Before the collapse.
From 2021 until after the collapse of 324 main st I tried to get someone in authority to investigate terminate prosecute....imprison. after being burglarized the police refused to investigate....when they know I was burglarized by the relatives of Finance Department "management analyst" Rebecca Woolam.....and Golf Course Supervisor Matthew Woolam. I'm naming names because at this point I expect to be dead or homeless soon enough. Most places they keep racism a little more quiet.
Google Alderman Ortiz (white Hispanic) uses N word at city what should have been a major national story he used N word in city hall meeting with 5 aldermen total....and the sole black Alderman revealed it and said he didn't like it Alderman Ortiz filed a lawsuit against the black Alderman Tim Kelly. In his last council meeting Alderman Ortiz admitted to me he used the N word.....but he feels if black guys and rap songs can use the n word than so can he.....True Story....look it up.
Police Supervisors and Public Works and Legal and Administration and Building Inspections Supervisors like those responsible for the deaths of Ryan Hitchcock and Brandon Colvin Sr and Daniel Prien when 324 Main St collapsed after Rich Oswald signed an order to stop doing required inspections at the multi story apartment building with the bulging collapsing wall for over a year before the collapse.
Both the police and apartment inspectors say white people are superior "higher class citizens" and black tenants and Sikh Immigrant Business Families And Arabs and Native American/mixed race people.
As outsider looking in from abroad, keep fighting the good Fight. Liberation is what the goal should be not just BLM but a liberation movement, like the Panthers were trying to be. Each day or each writing here you sound more like a Bahamian 2pac, in the sense of nonstop realness.
One love from over here. Do you have any tips for young adults trying to organize grassroots in Europe? Keep up the writings, they inspire worldwide more people than you can imagine maybe even
This is SO good, thank you Olayemi for writing this article and connecting the dots. I’m constantly learning from you and being more and more motivated to deeply understand the system and work to genuinely shift things for actual liberation.
Absolutely excellent.
Powerful, powerful article. Thank you for sharing this, and laying bare the foundation of the issues. I hope some who jumped on the performative bandwagon will read this and ask themselves some deeper questions. I say this already knowing that my hope is probably better spent elsewhere.
Thank you, Olayemi, for putting words to the thoughts and feelings many of us have had in the past 3 years.
As always, I'm mesmerized by your ability to communicate such visceral truths in such an incisive and contemplation-invoking manner. ❤️
In Davenport Iowa the police have a special race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred (AKA white supremacist) police squad headed by police Supervisor Andrew Harris.
"We have different rules for lowlifes in lowlife neighborhoods and higher class citizens In higher class neighborhoods" is a saying frequently said by city inspector Chris Haut who was already known to the city mayor Administrator corporation council lawyers and Human Resources etc for his extreme race hatred and false documentation.....reported in writing to all of them Before the collapse.
From 2021 until after the collapse of 324 main st I tried to get someone in authority to investigate terminate prosecute....imprison. after being burglarized the police refused to investigate....when they know I was burglarized by the relatives of Finance Department "management analyst" Rebecca Woolam.....and Golf Course Supervisor Matthew Woolam. I'm naming names because at this point I expect to be dead or homeless soon enough. Most places they keep racism a little more quiet.
Google Alderman Ortiz (white Hispanic) uses N word at city what should have been a major national story he used N word in city hall meeting with 5 aldermen total....and the sole black Alderman revealed it and said he didn't like it Alderman Ortiz filed a lawsuit against the black Alderman Tim Kelly. In his last council meeting Alderman Ortiz admitted to me he used the N word.....but he feels if black guys and rap songs can use the n word than so can he.....True Story....look it up.
Police Supervisors and Public Works and Legal and Administration and Building Inspections Supervisors like those responsible for the deaths of Ryan Hitchcock and Brandon Colvin Sr and Daniel Prien when 324 Main St collapsed after Rich Oswald signed an order to stop doing required inspections at the multi story apartment building with the bulging collapsing wall for over a year before the collapse.
Both the police and apartment inspectors say white people are superior "higher class citizens" and black tenants and Sikh Immigrant Business Families And Arabs and Native American/mixed race people.
As outsider looking in from abroad, keep fighting the good Fight. Liberation is what the goal should be not just BLM but a liberation movement, like the Panthers were trying to be. Each day or each writing here you sound more like a Bahamian 2pac, in the sense of nonstop realness.
One love from over here. Do you have any tips for young adults trying to organize grassroots in Europe? Keep up the writings, they inspire worldwide more people than you can imagine maybe even